Let Better Hydration Begin On New Year’s Eve
Intend on staying better hydrated in the New Year? Many of us strive to drink more water each day and use resolutions as a way to set this goal. From improved concentration and digestion, not to mention helping your body feel full to aid in weight loss, there are plenty of perks that come with sipping on water throughout the day. Why wait till January 1 to start sipping more? Plan on drinking alcohol on New Year’s Eve? It’s the perfect time to start your New Year’s resolution, albeit a little early. Typically, we hear a lot about drinking water after a night out. But starting to hydrate prior to an evening out can not only give you a head start on your New Year’s resolution. It may lessen symptoms of a hangover, especially if you ring in 2019 with a few cocktails.
Drinking During Drinking
In addition to having water before consuming alcohol, you can also sip on water between alcoholic beverages or have a glass of water between drinks. (Don’t think drinking plain water will curb your desire to drink? Try adding lemon or lime to it!) Doing so could help you put the brakes on the amount of alcohol you ingest. Additionally, it may stop you from eating more if you tend to get the munchies when a drink is in your hand. Drinking water alongside alcohol may help you maintain your level of hydration because alcohol—a known diuretic—can zap it. Though some research claims that drinking water prior to or during a drinking session won’t prevent a hangover, some people swear by it. As a company that specializes in distributing fresh, filtered water, we say to drink up…on water, that is. Regardless of whatever you drink on New Year’s Eve, making time to drink water throughout the day and night is a smart idea. In fact, drinking more water is a good habit to start any day of the year. Happy New Year and Happy Hydrating!