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Perfect water , every time

Hotels, resorts, spas, conference centers, casinos and country clubs all have a common theme, provide their guests with an endless supply of great-tasting, fresh drinking water. Whether an in-room perk, a warm welcome in the lobby or hydration in the fitness/wellness rooms. Avalon bottleless water coolers can help you satisfy guests with an endless supply of clean, great tasting water – bottle free.

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Peace of mind

Self-cleaning Ozone Function
Bacteria resistant stainless steel tanks
Leak Detection Sensor assures
no accidental floods
NSF Certified, UL Listed and
Energy Star Approved

Guest & Employee

Filter indicator light
One year worry-free warranty
BPA Free Tubing
NSF Certified powerful filtration
Bacteria resistant twist and lock filter design

Our Clients

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585 Prospect St
Suite 301B
Lakewood, NJ 08701

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